Saturday, August 30, 2008

1st uhxa meeting of 08-09

our first meeting was so much fun! our living room was packed out with students. some students we've seen all summer long, some we haven't seen since school ended in may, and some we'd never even met before. one of the students, kevin, shared a little of what's been on his heart lately then, we spent time in worship to the LORD. it was such a sweet time together and we are all excited about what the LORD has in store for us this year!
here are a few photos from the first meeting:

everybody was munching on yummy chips and queso and cookies and just catching up.

some of us played an exciting game of catch phrase while some of the guys went to play football in the mud.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

new things for us

so, i thought maybe we'd give this blogging thing a try. here goes... we are at the very beginning of the 2008-2009 school year. we have our first meeting of the semester on thursday and we simply cannot wait til then. we are so excited about what the LORD is already cooking up in our humble little group. the students are already beginning to meet new friends in their classes and in the dorms and it's only day 2!! matt and i have just been covering them in prayer.
we can't wait to share all the amazing stories with you...and hopefully some pictures as well.
we love you.
keep praying!