Wednesday, November 26, 2008

a year of lessons...

just a few things i've learned in the past year...from being married.

1. i'm really not that great of a cook. :( thankfully, my husband is.
2. marriage really is like a huge magnified mirror. i learned so much about myself.
3. not everyone is completely awake and ready to talk first thing in the morning.
4. a budget is never perfect the first few (or many) times you do it.
5. if i want to pull off a surprise, i've gotta lie and hide things like mad!
6. guys do enjoy surprises. and the occasional flowers.
7. things are probably gonna be pretty bad if you don't pray TOGETHER on a consistent basis.
8. if we don't both do our part to keep a tidy place, it ain't gonna be tidy.
9. laughing at ourselves is one of the best things to do in a sticky situation.
10. he needs "guy" time and i need "girl" time...regularly. and it's okay.
11. the good LORD put us together for detailed reasons we can't even yet imagine.
12. it's not a good idea to point out flaws or to argue in front of other people.
13. it's okay to not always agree on everything...but there is compromise and understanding.
14. thorough and honest communication is vital.
15. i never thought i could love anyone like this.

Friday, November 21, 2008

uhxa thanksgiving dinner

the coolest thing happened this past thursday evening. okay...2 cool things happened.

the first cool thing:

matt and i cooked our very first ever turkey! and he was a big guy too! we were both so nervous (and a little stressed) that it wouldn't be cooked all the way or that it would be too dry or taste horrible. and since our turkey was the main event for about 40 people, there was a lot of pressure. but it turned out GREAT...or at least that's what people said. i mean, it was almost all gone buy the end of the night, so it couldn't have been that bad, right?

the other cool (and way more important) thing:

the university of houston chi alpha got together with another Christian group on campus called, the Upper Room, for a thanksiving dinner celebration. it was so awesome! we worshipped together, ate (a lot of food!) together and met many new friends. only the LORD, in His infinite wisdom and grace, could orchestrate something like this. we are so grateful to begin ministry on this campus with steps toward unity with other believers. it really is a priceless gift.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

last night matt and i were at a missions banquet for a church that supports us out in katy. we're getting ready to go back for their sunday morning services, including sunday school, where matt and i will be able to share a little bit about what we do. (i haven't been to sunday school since i was in high school or longer.)

basically, every year a certain church will organize a whole missions weekend in order for their church members to see who they are supporting and to encourage them to keep giving and praying for the missionaries.

the pastor of this church is one of those truly amazing people who really is all about getting his congregation focused on missions. and the cool part is that only a few of the missionaries that were there last night were "AG" missionaries. this pastor really has a vision for the whole city of katy and has his church supporting and praying for many wonderful outreaches and ministries.

matt and i got a chance to talk with a few of the other missionaries and their families, and i left just feeling so encouraged to hear how some of these were led into the ministry. these are really just normal, ordinary people who said "yes" when GOD called their names.

it's really easy for us, myself included, to look at the lives of some of these "heroes" of the mission field, and think, "wow! they are super spiritual and GOD called them because they are super holy and humble about it. and i'll never be that awesome."

but the truth is that they really are people who were living life just like anyone else...for themselves. some even have dark and sordid pasts. but when GOD Almighty whispered dreams into their hearts, they listened, took ownership of those dreams and said "yes."

simple as that...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

it is such a lovely day outside.

it's cold enough for a sweater or light jacket. the golden sun is shining. the leaves are mostly still green against the bright blue sky, but are beginning to turn shades of orange, red and brown. families are running together or walking the dog(s) along the jogging trail outside. cars are zooming past on their way to garage sales, maybe, or birthday parties...who knows? my amazing husband is still sleeping solidly in the back. and i just had a peaceful time with the Creator of the Universe with a fine cup of glorious Jesus juice (coffee).

it's definitely important to never forget where we've been and where we've come from, but i don't want to ever live in the past. and it's always easier to be looking toward what's ahead and straining for our hopes and dreams (whatever they may be), but i never want to take up residence in the future. i want to enjoy every bit of my life in this very moment. the beauty that is constantly surrounding me. the richness of relationships. the lessons that i am currently learning from the LORD. there are too many things or events or situations that happened yesterday or are happening tomorrow, or are happening even later this evening that demand to occupy my thoughts.

but for right now, i just want to feel the cold winds against my skin, and watch the majestically crowned trees waving back and forth in worship to the KING, and feel the warmth of coffee running down my throat, and sing praises of my own to the Creator.

it is such a lovely day.