Wednesday, February 11, 2009

we are humbled...

to those of you who read this that support us:

YOU ARE TRULY AMAZING!!!!! no guys totally knock our socks off every month! and some of you just plain spoil us at other random times...and we just love it!

it's so crazy to us that just when things are getting tighter and tighter and we have no idea how to make it through the month...we receive a random check in the mail or note of encouragement. you have no idea the impact this has on us! i don't know exactly what happens in matt's heart when he discovers this sort of kindness, but it never fails that i am overwhelmed to the point of tears. it is truly humbling to know that so many people love us enough to pray for us, to think of us and to give to us. i'm just totally rock our world!

thank you for being obedient to the LORD. and for being so selfless and sacrificial. we love you so, so much!