Sunday, May 10, 2009

i don't deserve this man...

can i just brag on my sweet husband for just a minute? this man is truly just so amazing and so thoughtful. i walked into the living room this morning to sit and eat breakfast and spend time with the LORD, and i saw that the coffee table was all cleared off (highly unusual). there was a big envelope with my name written all the way across it.

this darling man bought me a mother's day card just to tell me how much he loves me and that he enjoys this time we have as just the two of us, but that he looks forward to future when he can pick out little gifts and pretend that the kids actually bought them. *sigh*

and it's funny, because i feel much the same way. i really, really, really enjoy our life being just the two of us right now. just yesterday, we slept in until almost 10:00!!! a friend of mine (who has 2 very little boys) joked that she couldn't even remember what sleeping in was like.

as much as neither of us can wait until we're mommy and daddy, we sure are glad to have this amazing time together...just the two of us.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

wow! what a year it's been...

this is a picture of my dear friends from the girls' small group. i wanna tell you a little bit about each one.
caitlin (in the yellow): she came around before the spring semester of 08 began. she emailed us saying that she was transferring from a Christian university to come to UH because she had a heart to see people get saved and it seemed that there might more of a need on a secular campus. (how cool is that???) she and i are dear friends and i have watched her work through some tough stuff in her life the last year and half. it's not easy to always be a witness when your roommate is muslim. but i'm proud of her.
nicole (in the middle): she started hanging out with us during our summer meetings last year. she had just gone through some major life changes and realized how far away she'd gotten from the LORD. she was (and still is) very, very hungry to know the LORD and to be in right standing with HIM. the LORD has bonded us together in friendship and in love. she will be going through our leadership training course during the summer and will hopefully begin to pour her life into other young girls.
mary beth (in the red): this girl is one amazing lady! she really knows how to surprise us. she's super quite and softspoken, but when she says something...she really says something. and either it's hilarious or insanely profound. she seems to be packed with much wisdom. i've also had the privilege of watching the LORD do some really cool things in her life, as well and i know HE's not done with her yet!
caitlyn (on the end): this is one of my dearest friends and i've actually known her for many years. we lived together while i was still in school. this woman has truly been my listening ear, my right hand, my voice of reason, my source of laughter, you name it. hers is quite a long story, but the gist is that she's helped me so much this year. she's led worship for us, led discussions, and has even spent a lot of time pouring into the other girls. i love her and am so grateful for her.

there are a couple other girls that aren't in this picture because of finals or illnesses. but i love, love, love each and every one them. i LOVE the LORD for allowing me to be a part of their lives and i know we'll always be connected because we were together for a time.