Monday, March 15, 2010

Pancake Dinner Outreach 2010

I slightly alluded to our Pancake Dinner Outreach via photo in the previous post. It was such a FUN and successful night. We've been talking a lot in small groups and on Thursday nights lately about being outward-minded and about sharing their faith and the gospel with those around them. Because we really believe that there should always be a practical application to everything we talk about, we try to have occasional opportunities for the students to invite some of their friends and classmates to events.

This is how we came up with Pancake Dinner Outreach 2010. We're still (and probably will always be) in the stage of "trial and error." We just kinda brainstorm and come up with ideas. Then we try them out. Sometimes they totally flop. This one was seemingly pretty successful.

We just made up a bunch of fliers for the students to pass out in classes, dorms, etc. the week before. Then we made TONS of pancakes (super cheap!) and coffee and had lots of games going. There was a pretty good turn-out and we even met several new faces. Maybe we'll do it again next year?

Here are some photos from our fun night:

Pancakes taste better when made by these 3 beauties.

Liz making sure her pancakes are perfect...they were. :)
