Thursday, September 4, 2008


A.D. Bruce Religion Center

it's true...we had a meeting yesterday with the director of the A.D. Bruce Religion Center (which is where any religious organization can meet if they don't already have a place) and she hooked us up!!!

matt and i prayed the whole way there that we would have favor with them. we prayed that there would be a space available soon and that it wouldn't be too expensive to rent the room. so guess what...we're meeting on campus for the first time next thursday and it won't cost us a dime!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!! and thanks so much for those of you who have been praying.

we love having the students meet in our home, but we always knew that it couldn't stay that way if we were ever gonna grow (our living room is big, but not that big). and new students are way more likely to come to the meetings and get involved if we meet on campus vs. 15 minutes away.

anyway...we're totally excited about this and we're so grateful for your shared excitement.

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