Wednesday, November 26, 2008

a year of lessons...

just a few things i've learned in the past year...from being married.

1. i'm really not that great of a cook. :( thankfully, my husband is.
2. marriage really is like a huge magnified mirror. i learned so much about myself.
3. not everyone is completely awake and ready to talk first thing in the morning.
4. a budget is never perfect the first few (or many) times you do it.
5. if i want to pull off a surprise, i've gotta lie and hide things like mad!
6. guys do enjoy surprises. and the occasional flowers.
7. things are probably gonna be pretty bad if you don't pray TOGETHER on a consistent basis.
8. if we don't both do our part to keep a tidy place, it ain't gonna be tidy.
9. laughing at ourselves is one of the best things to do in a sticky situation.
10. he needs "guy" time and i need "girl" time...regularly. and it's okay.
11. the good LORD put us together for detailed reasons we can't even yet imagine.
12. it's not a good idea to point out flaws or to argue in front of other people.
13. it's okay to not always agree on everything...but there is compromise and understanding.
14. thorough and honest communication is vital.
15. i never thought i could love anyone like this.

1 comment:

Mr. Bill said...

Just passing by and took a look at your blog. I like your post today! I got a nice little laugh out it (in a good way)

I particularly liked #3 and #12.

Best of luck with the marriage! :)