Sunday, May 10, 2009

i don't deserve this man...

can i just brag on my sweet husband for just a minute? this man is truly just so amazing and so thoughtful. i walked into the living room this morning to sit and eat breakfast and spend time with the LORD, and i saw that the coffee table was all cleared off (highly unusual). there was a big envelope with my name written all the way across it.

this darling man bought me a mother's day card just to tell me how much he loves me and that he enjoys this time we have as just the two of us, but that he looks forward to future when he can pick out little gifts and pretend that the kids actually bought them. *sigh*

and it's funny, because i feel much the same way. i really, really, really enjoy our life being just the two of us right now. just yesterday, we slept in until almost 10:00!!! a friend of mine (who has 2 very little boys) joked that she couldn't even remember what sleeping in was like.

as much as neither of us can wait until we're mommy and daddy, we sure are glad to have this amazing time together...just the two of us.

1 comment:

Steve & Jennifer said...

aw! now that is so sweet!