Sunday, September 19, 2010

One Month Down and Going Strong!

It's been about a month since school at UH started and what a CRAZY and incredible month it's been!

Welcome Week was such a success and we met a great number of new people. We never really know beforehand just how these things will actually turn out. Will we buy tons of food and no one will show up? Or will we underestimate and end up with a mass crowd? Somehow, the LORD put everything in perfect balance and we had lots of people show up to all the events and just enough food to feed and satisfy all those "starving" college students. Here are some of the girls at our main event, the Luau. We had a blast!

Thursday nights are also really going so well. I think more people show up every week. Really, I'm pretty sure it's a different crowd every time, but Matt and I have made it a point to not count how many show up. I'm not really sure why not, but I think it's better for us to not put so much emphasis on numbers. Obviously, we want to grow numerically...UH is a gigantic campus. But we're way more concerned with real spiritual growth. So, we've made it our goal to make maturity and depth our focus.

We just had our first 2010-2011 Leadership Meeting and I cannot say just how proud we are of these incredible students who have stepped up and taken on this unique role of responsibility. We were able to encourage them and give them a chance to express concerns and struggles. It's really a tough thing to build a small group from scratch and to get commitment-phobic college students to be faithful, but they really have made some great connections and rising to the occasion. So proud of them!

Now, we are very much looking forward to our annual Breakaway Retreat in Huntsville. This is such an incredible time where even deeper connections are made and friendships are really fused together. Please be praying with us that students go and that lives are changed. We're expecting the LORD to really do a significant work in their lives. I promise, you will be hearing more about this.

Here are a few pictures from last year's Breakaway.

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